A Note from the Pastor's Wife,

This summer has been a hot one with a great deal of rain! But for that, I am thankful. God knows what we need; He provides us with everything, and we need not complain, though we do. Lord, forgive us for grumbling.

Is the church like the world… divided? Unfortunately, it is. Unlike Christ, many of us do not see ourselves or our hearts clearly. He knows every thought and motive. Why we do or not do things. Why do we feel we are in charge of things that clearly either do not make a difference one way or the other or have become a bickering point that exasperates one another? The answer is clear: we do not seek the solution in Christ. We do not trust Him to supply the needs of our church or lives. He has the answer, but we are disobedient and unteachable, wanting it our way. God will do just that. He will allow you to toil with whatever it is as long as you choose; even though going through the same circumstances over and over again keeps you longer than you want to stay, you still choose to do it your way. We lose precious time and waste money because of our choices. After all these years of seeing God work, we, like the Israelites, continue to wander. There is no excuse for this. We must obey God by seeking Him daily to find out what He wants us to do. We are without excuse because of our pride and selfish desire. Remembering God is in control, and it is not YOUR way or MY way but God's way.

On Saturday, August 17th, at 10:30 a.m. I invite all women to bring your Bible and the "Twelve Extraordinary Women" book you received from the ladies' conference. After we clean up from serving the men's breakfast, I will teach from the 10th chapter: "Mary Magdalene: Delivered from Darkness." I am looking forward to seeing each one of you.

Thank you for the food in the pantry and the school supplies. I pray that the Lord will bless you for giving as unto Him.

In Christ Love
